The textile printing industry has wide applications across various sectors. In the fashion industry, designers utilize printing techniques to showcase unique patterns and styles on clothing, thus creating distinctive fashion statements. In home decor, printing techniques are used to create products such as curtains, carpets, sofa covers, and pillowcases, contributing to a cozy and comfortable ambiance at home.

Furthermore, the textile printing industry plays a significant role in fostering creativity and design. Many designers and artists utilize printing techniques to express their creativity on textile products, thereby driving diversity and innovation in textile design.

Layer Separation:
Layer separation refers to the process of separating design patterns into different colors or layers. This step is crucial in preparing for printing or other related processes. By separating the patterns into different colors or layers, corresponding printing plates or templates can be prepared for each color or layer, ensuring accurate printing of each color during the process.

Digital Sampling:
Digital sampling involves designing and producing samples or styles of textile products using digital printing technology in computer software. This technology is typically used for small-batch production or customized orders, as it allows for the rapid and flexible creation of various patterns and designs without the need for additional printing plates or templates.

Intaglio Electronic Engraving:
Intaglio electronic engraving is a technique that uses electronic devices to engrave patterns or designs on intaglio plates. These plates can be used for printing, embossing, or other decorative techniques. Intaglio electronic engraving is often more precise and efficient than traditional manual engraving, hence its widespread use in the manufacturing process.

Color Art Engraving:
Color art engraving involves engraving patterns or designs on color art plates. These color art plates can be used in hand-printing or other artistic decoration techniques. Color art engraving is commonly used in small-scale artistic production because it allows for the realization of various delicate effects and styles through craftsmanship.